Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Role of Zoning in Urban Development

The Role of Zoning in Urban Development Introduction Zoning, as used in land utilization planning, involves designating permitted utilization of land depending on demarcated zones that distinguish one set of land utilization from another. The fundamental aim of zoning is to separate functions that cannot be harmonious and protect residential properties, as well as enterprises from developmental interference. It also protects the culture of a community.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Role of Zoning in Urban Development specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The institutions involved in the zoning process include the local authorities like municipal and county councils mostly though it varies with countries. For instance, in Australia, Commonwealth land is not under regulation by the state, in Germany and France; however, zoning is under the regulation of the national and federal government. In zoning, the ventures that the land can be put into are r egulated, and such ventures include residential uses, agricultural purposes, commercial and industrial ventures. The state authorities use zoning as a tool of regulating private property so as to enhance economic development and growth. The Zoning Process The first step in the zoning process is the application conference. This is a meeting called upon by the Department of Planning and Zoning staff, as well as other departments to determine their specific development requirements (Walters 45). The next step is where the proponent submits two filled application forms, availing all the supplemental information, a comprehensive site plan, and the necessary processing that is required. â€Å"Upon receipt of the application, the planning and zoning department notifies the applicant of discrepancies if any, within fifteen days: If there are no errors, and the threshold for submission requirements is met, the application goes to public hearing† (Burke 22). The public hearing takes pl ace before the Planning and Zoning Commission. During the public hearing, other interested parties present their views that may be in favor of the application or be against it. The Planning Commission then makes its decisions and recommendations which it forwards to the County Council. Appeals or protests may be submitted to the City Council regarding the decisions arrived at by the Planning Commission to be looked at.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Planning Commission at this point is required to review the Site Development Plan jointly with the Department of Public Works, and Highways and Traffic Department as was submitted by the applicant. The plan is reviewed if it complies with the permit conditions. Bonds or escrows are established as a guarantee of improvements. Such improvements occur in the subdivision process and include water improvements, special landscaping and water detention improvements. After the initiation of the subdivision processing, the Zoning process is finalized. Importance of Zoning in Urban Development Zoning is a fundamental tool in any society that has its strategic plans to guide its growth and development. Zoning must be structured to adapt to the dynamic changes that occur in our lives and society at large. The various roles that zoning play in urban development include: Appropriate Designation of land Zoning regulations clearly define how land should be designated to various socio-economic activities of the region. This designation is aimed at avoiding conflicts between the various interested parties and the residents. Both land buyers and those who own land are able to know what to build and in which specific areas. For instance one is prohibited from building a factory within a residential area. The zoning laws give a clear definition of the residential zone, commercial zones, and the recreatio nal areas. Zoning is also important so as to avoid inconveniences and dangers posed to the residents occupying a certain area. For instance, a shopping mall inside a residential zone would result in traffic congestion; thus, posing danger to infants within such areas (Burke 36). As such, individuals must consider the regulations before erecting structures so as to avoid conflict with the law governing zoning. Ensure Easy Accessibility to Social Services Zoning sets aside specific areas to be utilized for road construction and other means of transport. The social services like sporting, drama services, public health services and security operations have their designated areas. The reservation of certain areas for social services enhances easy access to the services. The development of infrastructure also fastens transport and enhances mobility of people and services.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Role of Zoning in Urban Development specificall y for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Each of these facilities also has their preferred operating environments; for instance, schools must be located in a quiet surrounding to promote a learning atmosphere. On the other hand, recreational facilities are located in the city centre where most people can access them. Well maintained roads are very convenient to the passengers and the motorists because of efficiency (Walters 43). Regulating the Use of Real Estates Several municipal and county councils have established regulations to govern the development of Real Estates within their areas of jurisdiction. These councils are subdivided into zoning districts that allocate specific areas to specific socio-economic activities. According to relevant sources, the zoning regulations that regulate the utilization of real property control their use in relation to specific boundaries at the industrial, commercial, as well as residential levels. The local council evaluat es the character of the property and its suitability for the particular purpose. The laws must be applied universally across the local council and not be applied selectively. These regulations may also dictate the kind of buildings to be built, the recommended height of buildings, the kind of accessory utilities to be constructed, and the amount of light that each building obstructs. An Important Tool for Planners Zoning is an exercise that involves the demarcation of a region into well defined functional areas. In connection, planners use zoning to determine population density and redistribute it whenever necessary if they appear to apply much stress on the available resources. The relocation policy may also be applied so as to promote equitable development because when people resettle elsewhere, there are chances of town centers emerging; thus, attracting investors. Planners also use zoning as a method of enhancing the social and economic developments in society. It is used to dis tribute the various economic activities across the region. For instance, most industries are located close to the source of raw material with an aim of reducing transport costs. Similarly, the service industry is mainly situated in the Central Business District where their demand is high and the people there have remarkable disposable income.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Protects Natural Resources of Farmland The main farm-land protection policies applied by most governments include zoning, taxation, right-to-farm legislation and acquisition of development rights. The tax policies have proved fruitless, as they raise the area affected by impermanence syndrome. The right-to-farm legislation is enacted to protect farmers against unnecessary complaints from nearby residents. Agricultural zoning is an instrumental way of protecting farmland in many countries. Under this plan, farmers are allowed to sell their development rights to the public, which provide them with more capital for investment purposes. On the contrary, some pessimists argue that the zoning results in public pressure where population growth rate is on an increase. Zoning also recognizes the existence of natural resources like mines. Mineral mines always have their land reserved for them even if it means the locals must be displaced. This is to ensure the safety of the citizens should a calamity occur at the mining site. The forest reserves are always situated depending on the prevailing weather conditions that can sustain the forests naturally. These reserves must be situated in zones that receive plenty of rainfall. In its planning, the local government must set prohibit settlement along the riverbanks. As such, there must be a defined perimeter from the river that people are not allowed to put up structures. The local government in its beautification program should set aside land for the beautification of the environment to give it an aesthetic value. Future Growth and Development The future considerations must be made in the zoning process. For instance in a developing nation, the zoning must take into account the possibility of expansion of the infrastructure, the upgrading of various slums, the emergence of other urban centers and deforestation to increase land available for industrial development. Enforcing Building Codes Building codes regulate the structur al properties of a building and its safety. These codes are very essential in the most sensitive buildings that the host key economic activities and various dignitaries. These codes also ensure the stability and durability of a building. The codes are quite dynamic and change depending on the technological advancements. Minimum Design Standards The minimum designed standards as established by professional bodies are meant to ensure that buildings have the necessary aesthetic value as per international standards. These standards are also applied to ensure there is harmony in the architectural structures of a certain segment. Adherence to the set standards ensures a continuous development of safe and certified structures. Connectivity Zoning is a very crucial tool in connection of various zonal areas. The various zones as partitioned act as integration points for the various people in society as they go to look for the services offered by each division. The streets and highways constr ucted act as avenues for meeting new people and getting to know each other. The recreational facilities that are designated to certain parts serve as meeting points for a diverse group of people. The constructed highways also facilitate the connectivity from one zone to another. Zoning Ordinances The main aim of zoning ordinances is to establish the recommended uses for land under the ordinance. It divides a region into different functional zones. The ordinances established should ensure sufficient light and air. They must also ensure easy access and safety from raging fire. They must take into account policies that make the building free from flooding and enhance the flow of traffic in the highways. The ordinances also ensure that public health standards are observed. They must strive to provide comfort to the public and promote proper morals and general society welfare. Analysis of Density Zoning is used to analyze density of every aspect of life ranging from human beings, animals , vegetation, geographical features and housing. The density of the population is more in the most industrialized areas since these industries provide jobs and thus a source of livelihood (Gabroit 65). The density of residential houses in higher in the outskirts of the city where the environment is quiet. The density of motor vehicles is higher in the dual carriage highways than the single carriage highways. The density of livestock is higher in the arid and semi-arid lands due to the pastoral communities that live in those areas. T he density of industries is higher in the industrial areas due to the zoning done by the government that designated those areas for industrial development. Zoning as Used in Design The design of various structures is influenced by the zoning policies put in place by the local government. For instance, houses of a particular design will be concentrated only in one region. The sky scrapers are mainly located at the city centers while residential apartments are situated in the residential zones. The design of roads is also largely determined by the economic activities it supports. Superhighways that serve cross-border transit services are well maintained and designed as compared to feeder roads (Burke 29). Encourage construction of affordable housing units Once the zoning process has allocated a particular subdivision for a specific purpose, it is possible for investors in the construction industry to invest in the construction of affordable housing for the middle and low income groups. This leads to the emergence of affordable apartments for the residents. Challenges Facing Zoning as a Development Tool Zoning has led to the segregation of business areas and residential areas. It has also separated social housing from private housing. This has promoted the emergence of slums and shanties. The city centers have also witnessed the aging of their buildings due to the segregation because a reducing number of people travel to the city cent re. Insecurity also poses a challenge as people travel in masses mostly in the evenings and the buglers may take advantage of such situations. Another form of challenge comes in the form of discrimination racial, ethnic, economic or gender-based. Within the residential areas, some special interest groups may prefer to live as a community on their own (Gabriot 78). Legislation Setbacks One of the major setbacks in the zoning process is the fact that ordinances assume that division of land is usually a signal of an upcoming development (Burke 34). As a consequence, prospective buyers of such land will make more demands for the community public utilities. Another setback is the fact that property that was acquired before an ordinance came into force can only be given the nonconformities status. Nonconformities This is a term used to refer to a zoned piece of land whose utilization existed before the new zoning rules were enacted (Burke 37). These uses may not conform to the new rules. The nonconformity may be based on usage, structural design and other legal requirements. Conclusion Zoning is a tool that the local and central governments can use to spur economic growth and development. It is also used to enhance socio-economic integration among people. However, the allocation of land for specific purposes has led to scarcity of land and congestion of activities in the designated areas, leading to lack of competition among businesses and limitation on the available space for expansion. It has also led to urban sprawl and the development of slums and shanties. Burke, Barlow. Understanding the Law of Zoning and Land Use Controls. South Melbourne: LexisNexis Press, 2002. Print. Gabroit, Pascaline. European New Towns: Images, Identities, Future Perspectives. Brussels: Editions Scientific Internationales, 2010. Print. Walters, David. Designing Community, Charrettes, Masterplans and Form-based  Codes. London: Thomson Learning, 2007. Print.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cómo Cerrar Cita Para Visa Americana de Emergencia

Cà ³mo Cerrar Cita Para Visa Americana de Emergencia En ocasiones puede surgir la necesidad de obtener una visa para Estados Unidos con carcter de urgencia. Pero,  ¿quà © es considerado como urgente y cul es la tramitacià ³n para solicitarla? Adems de a esas preguntas en este artà ­culo se recuerda cules son las causas por las que la visa puede ser negada. Quà © Es Considerado Emergencia Para Solicitar la Visa Americana Son consideradas emergencias situaciones como: La muerte de un familiar inmediato (padre, madre, cà ³nyuge, hijos o hermanos).Una importante necesidad de recibir atencià ³n mà ©dica en Estados Unidos para sà ­ mismo o para acompaà ±ar a un familiar inmediato que la necesita. La visa para recibir tratamiento mà ©dico es la de turista.Cuando surge una oportunidad de negocio.Cuando se necesita asistir a un evento deportivo, conferencia profesional, un entrenamiento o una conferencia de prensa.Cuando la cita ordinaria para una visa de estudiante est fechada posteriormente al dà ­a de inicio del curso.En los casos de visas de trabajo, cuando la planilla I-797 està © aprobada y el empleador requiera la presencia inmediata del empleado en Estados Unidos. No se concedern adelantos de las citas para las visas americanas por cuestiones de turismo ya que eso no es una emergencia. No importa que se tengan los boletos de avià ³n o el paquete de hotel y atracciones. Es por esta razà ³n que nunca debe pagarse por las vacaciones si no se tiene ya la visa en mano. Procedimiento Para Solicitar una Visa de Emergencia Es necesario entender que no existe un procedimiento estndar, sino que varà ­a de paà ­s a paà ­s. Por ejemplo, en Mà ©xico debe solicitarse una visa de turista siguiendo el procedimiento regular. Y una vez que se tenga la cita, enviar un correo electrà ³nico solicitando el cambio de tramitacià ³n regular a urgente. Si la peticià ³n es concedida, se notificar al interesado y se le indicar el procedimiento a seguir. Tener en cuenta que la direccià ³n de correo electrà ³nico es distinta si la solicitud se formula en inglà ©s o, si por el contrario, se escribe en espaà ±ol. Si la peticià ³n es denegada, todavà ­a sigue vigente la cita regular para la visa. Sin embargo, en otros paà ­ses la peticià ³n de cita urgente para una visa americana debe hacerse por telà ©fono, por lo que se debe consultar la pgina web de la oficina consular para saber bien quà © procedimiento debe seguirse. En estos casos de peticià ³n por telà ©fono hay que tener en cuenta que se est cobrando la llamada a un precio superior al ordinario. Adems, si se concede la peticià ³n de cita habr que pagar al momento el arancel de la visa, mediante una tarjeta de crà ©dito o de dà ©bito Visa, MasterCard o American Express. En los casos de peticià ³n por telà ©fono de cita urgente para la visa debe tenerse a mano para hablar con el operario la siguiente informacià ³n: Nombre, lugar y fecha de nacimiento del solicitante.Nà ºmero de pasaporte y nacionalidad.Direccià ³n de correo electrà ³nico.Y para ciertas visas, como algunas que permiten trabajar temporalmente en Estados Unidos, informacià ³n sobre las mismas. Si el solicitante no puede realizar la llamada por sà ­ mismo, puede realizarse en su nombre un familiar o amigo, pero necesitar tener a mano el nombre completo y nà ºmero de pasaporte del solicitante. Consejo Sobre Lugar de Residencia Para solicitar urgentemente una visa se suele requerir tener la residencia o la nacionalidad del paà ­s desde donde se solicita la peticià ³n, salvo casos muy excepcionales. Por ejemplo, cuando se est en otro paà ­s de vacaciones y se precisa la visa americana de urgencia para transitar por Estados Unidos en su viaje de regreso al paà ­s de origen. Problemas Para Sacar la Visa de Emergencia A pesar de surgir una emergencia por la que hay que viajar a Estados Unidos, el consulado puede negar la peticià ³n. Y es que para poder obtener una visa americana no inmigrante, como por ejemplo la de turista, hay que cumplir dos requisitos: ser admisible y ser elegible. Son varias las razones por las que se considera que una persona es inelegible para la visa americana. La ms frecuente es la de no probar lazos econà ³micos y/o familiares suficientes en el lugar de residencia habitual. Si la razà ³n por la que se negà ³ la visa es causa por ser inelegible no es posible solicitar un perdà ³n, conocido en algunos paà ­ses como waiver o permiso. Por el contrario, si la razà ³n por la que el consulado no aprueba la visa es por causa de inadmisibilidad, en algunos casos es posible pedir un perdà ³n. La razà ³n ms frecuente que convierte a una persona en inadmisible es por estancia ilegal en Estados Unidos en una fecha anterior. Para un mayor conocimiento sobre cà ³mo sacar la visa de turista y cà ³mo evitar su cancelacià ³n o revocacià ³n es conveniente tomar esta prueba de respuestas mà ºltiples, ya que ayuda a aclarar dudas. Este es un articulo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Brief Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Brief - Assignment Example The plaintiff argued that the defendant negligently injured the recurrent laryngeal nerve. However, the defendant claimed that the laryngeal was not severed. The rule of identifying negligence in this case is through expert opinion. The doctors argued that the method used by the plaintiff was appropriate. The trial court directed verdict on the defendant on specific negligence issue. The plaintiff illustrated the applicability of res ipsa loqoitur doctrine. The defendant claimed that the second foundation fact involving res ipsa loqoitur is absent due to the fact that it doesn’t lie in laymen’s common knowledge. This is in reference to injury occurring during cervical fusion surgery, because of inadequate care. The trial court refused to submit it; there wasn’t basis for the application of res ipsa loqoitur. The defendant claimed that there was adequate evidence on the issue of trespass or battery. She alleges that four vertebrae were fused, together with the defendant’s assurances and inability to warn her on related hazards. However, the defendant claimed that the defendant was given adequate advice on her health problem and the scope of the corrective surgery. The trial court found out that the trespass theory in this case is inadequate to the applicability to the surgery in which the patient did not consent. The trial court maintained the motion of the defendant for directed verdict. The trial court held that there was insufficient evidence to defend jury consideration of the case based on the four pleaded theories. Will the defendant continue the treatment of the patient, given that other medical services providers have refused to accept plaintiff as their patient? Is the refusal by hospitals like Herrick and Alta Bates to offer medical services to the patient amount to refusal to offer emergency medical services? A medical practitioner, who has provided the patient with adequate notice of termination, is not obliged to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Discuss how an understanding of the biology of insect pests assists in Essay - 1

Discuss how an understanding of the biology of insect pests assists in the control of stored product pests - Essay Example Due to the heavy economic damage caused by these pests, it is important to identify the biological characteristics of these pests in order to formulate effective strategies of eliminating them in our premises. This paper discuses how understanding of the biology of insect pests assist in the control of stored products pests. Characteristics of insects Entomologists and biologists have researched on different characteristics of insects including those infesting stored products. Examples of insect pests that infest stored products include grain weevils, grain and flour beetles, spider beetles, flour moths, mites and psocids among others (Heikki et al 1996). According to Robinson et al (2007), insects exhibit distinct physical, reproductive, and behavioural characteristics that enable them survive and multiply in different habitats. The major defining characteristics of insects are three pairs of legs, three body regions including the head, thorax and abdomen. In addition, insectsâ€⠄¢ bodies are usually enclosed in an endoskeleton (Robinson et al 2007). Because they have jointed appendages, insects are classified under bigger animal group called arthropod (Robinson et al 2007). Many insects have wings for locomotion, and others use their legs to crawl on surfaces. Another defining characteristic of insects is that they develop from eggs. They go through different stages called metamorphosis after hatching until they become full-grown adults. Insects undergo complete or incomplete metamorphosis (Isaac, & Rami, 2009). Complete metamorphosis comprises of four stages, namely egg that hatches into larvae, then pupae and later an adult develops from the pupa stage. Incomplete metamorphosis comprises of three stages, namely egg, nymph and adult (Isaac, & Rami, 2009). Another defining characteristic of insects is that they breathe through spiracles that are located in the thoracic and abdominal cavity (Heikki, et al 1996). The body of insects is relatively small and i t varies in shape and colour depending on the particular species. In addition, insects have one pair of antennae that is used as sensory organ to detect smell, temperature, and other forms external stimuli (Robinson, et al 2007).Insets have different feeding habits and they have specialized mouthparts adapted to suit a particular feeding method. For instance, insects that suck blood from animals or sap from plants have long sharp proboscis. Others that feed on stored products such as grains have different mouth parts, such as mandibles and sharp tooth like structures to enable them feed on the particular stored food material (Isaac, & Rami, 2009). Methods of controlling stored product pests Entomologists have developed different methods of eradicating insect pests infesting stored products basing on their biological characteristics. However, Jack and Nancy (1999) note that no method is 100% effective and a combination of several techniques are applied. Some of the methods used to co ntrol insect pests include insecticides such as fumigants, biological control, sanitation, drying stored products, temperature regulation among other methods. Fumigants work by interfering with respiratory process of insects in large and medium sized storage premises (Jack, & Nancy, 1999). According to Heikki et al (1996), fumigants are volatile and toxic chemicals and they kill the pest by suffocating. Chemicals applied in fumigation are effective at killing insect pests in different stages of metamorphosis. Biological information about these pests is

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Golden Age of Poverty Reduction Essay Example for Free

Golden Age of Poverty Reduction Essay The presentation of the article related to poverty reduction does not seem too optimistic whether the global aim was actually achieved. Basically, the main argument is that poverty reduction provides only the rate of presented resolutions to alleviate the problem. However, the real figures of people under poverty are not really reflected. As time forwarded from the late 19th century up to the present, there was an actual development of social welfare services especially in the health care sector. This prompted world populations to increase and obtain extended life expectancies. But the issue of disparity between the rich and the poor was not really reduced but worsened. The main factor to blame is the capitalists’ attitude towards profitability. They fuel growth in economies but also become the catalyst for the social inequalities to expand. To summarize the main argument, general poverty incidences could have been reduced more if economic inequality had not worsened (The Free Library, 2006). References The Free Library. 2006. Todays golden age of poverty reduction: the story the World Bank and other agencies dont want you to know. International Economic Publications. Retrieved January 27, 2008 from

Friday, November 15, 2019

Rodney the skateboarding robot :: Robotics

Rodney the skateboarding robot My project is Rodney, the robot skateboard, targeted at kids who want a cool skateboard accessory, and parents who would most likely buy one for their kids. Similar designs are a handle-like device with wheels that pulls a skateboard or roller skates, and the Segway. I have studied these designs, and a brief history of skateboards to better my understanding of how to make my robot work. The first design has a forward/reverse options for the motors and is turned by turning the board or roller skates. It is practically just a way to use the skateboard without using much energy. Segway ® Human Transporter (HT) can self-balance because of a technology called dynamic stabilization. Dynamic Stabilization works by using solid-state gyroscopes, tilt sensors, high-speed microprocessors, and powerful electric motors performing to keep it balanced. The skateboard originally in the 50s was conceived as a way to surf on land, whenever there was bad surfing weather. It started out as roller skates nailed to a wooden base. Then a bicycle company in the early 70s built better boards with flexible mounts for the wheel axis, and thus was born the modern skateboard, with grip tape for more maneuverability and painted designs and logos on the bottom of the board. Rodney is a two-part robot, one is the controller for Rodney and the other is Rodney himself, the maneuverable part. The controller consists of flat platforms with four walls of beam pieces. It has a RCX 2.0, and three touch sensors. The Rodney also RodneyBeta the skateboarding robot has an RCX 2.0 and four motors in a car-like design. He has beams and panel pieces connecting the motors together for additional stability. Rodney was successful at pushing my skateboard forward, reverse, and even turning. He could move the skateboard by itself at around 5mph and slightly less with added weight. The maximum weight that it can hold is about 2lbs. The remote controller has a range of around 10fts, and when it is out of range Rodney continues doing the same function that it was doing previously. I found that sometimes wheels may fall of Rodney, and occasionally he slides out from under my skateboard. I see that the alpha form of Rodney can that at least three forms, one being the

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Effects Of Smoking Ban On Students Education Essay

AbstractionThe school smoking prohibition policy has been recommended and even implemented in assorted establishments but many inquiries are still being raised about its significance and how effectual it is to the targeted population. This survey seeks to happen out whether it is necessary to hold smoking prohibition policy in schools and whether it has an consequence on the overall life of the pupils. The survey besides aims at happening out how effectual smoke prohibition policy can be and the appropriate scheme that should be applied to do it effectual. In order to happen out these the survey will affect aggregation of informations both from primary and secondary beginnings which will so be verified, analyzed, and a study prepared. The result of this research will be of import to the implementers of smoking prohibition in schools as it will assist them maximise the benefits associated with such a policy.IntroductionThe execution of tobacco-free environments in school is now a comm on tendency in most parts of the universe and this follows a recommendation by the Center for Disease Control ( CDC, 1994 ) . This recommendation was one of the tools that was aimed at commanding smoke among the young persons therefore it was a scheme that targeted the young persons and included the prohibition of smoking within the school premises or belongings including at events that involved schools even when taking topographic point off from the school ( CDC, 1994 ) . It non merely restricted pupils but besides school forces and visitants were included in this bracket provided they were within the restricted zones and events. This policy has nevertheless been defined otherwise from one part to another, either manner the above elements must be addressed and included in the definition ( Small et al, 2001 ) .PurposesIt is a common pattern that before any policy is recommended or implemented significant grounds must be provided to demo that it is truly important and will run into t he intended ends non burying to advert the effects that it may hold on the targeted group and the community at big. Such issues have ever led to many inquiries being asked most of which can merely be answered through research or related surveies. The smoke prohibition is one of such issues and has ever faced a figure of unfavorable judgments and support in about equal proportion since it is an issue that touches the day-to-day lives of many. The fact people are free to smoke anyplace and at anytime greatly affects the life of non-smokers negatively while is enjoyed by tobacco users ; conversely, smoking limitations is good intelligence to non-smokers but bad intelligence to tobacco users therefore such policies need appropriate and in-depth analysis before they are implemented. The chief purpose of this research will be to happen out the relationship between the smoke prohibition and the academic public presentation of pupils and to assist in this the undermentioned inquiry will be answered ; is school smoking prohibitions helpful or harmful to pupils? This will so take to other sub-questions which include ; is there a relationship between smoking prohibitions and smoking prevalence among pupils? Does school smoke prohibitions relate to the academic accomplishment of pupils? What is the best scheme to censor smoke in schools? Does the socioeconomic position of the pupils have an consequence on the result of smoking prohibition policy?AimsPresently there are many instances of school agitations caused by pupils through work stoppages which lead to break of activities and even devastation of belongings. Such actions have more frequently been associated to drug and substance usage among pupils which include smoke, imbibing and other manners of administrating dr ugs. This has besides led to the drastic decrease on public presentation degrees of pupils. Since all these are unwanted occurrences there has been changeless hunt on the possible and most effectual agencies of commanding and at best wholly conveying to an terminal the usage of drugs in schools and all educational establishments. Smoking prohibition in schools has been one of the recommendations that have been put frontward but has faced several challenges with a batch of inquiries being raised on the effectivity of such a move, this has truly affected the execution of this smoke prohibition policy. It is hence really necessary that the arising inquiries be answered and put clearly to be understood so as to ease its execution and the best manner to happen these replies is through research. Given that this survey will non merely happen out the importance of smoking prohibition on schools but besides seek to work out the mystifier on the effectivity of such prohibitions, it will be a really important tool to the implementers of such policies. Through the usage of the consequences of this research schools will be able to place whether it is deserving presenting such a policy, where they have non been, or keeping the policy, in a instance where they exist. At the same clip, the concerned implementers will place the right schemes to be used to implement smoking prohibition policy in schools. Sing these benefits, it is obvious that this research will be important to the community at big since it addresses an issue that is of great concern among the communities in all districts. Since it touches on the young person who are ever looked upon for future prosperity of any state, the significance will finally be felt all through the state and even beyond boundary lines.Literature reappraisalMany young persons get initiated into smoking through many ways and by different persons, this is a wont that they continue with and ne'er program to discontinue about throughout their lives and many factors have been pointed out to do this ( Abernathy et al, 2002 ; Conrad et Al, 1992 ) . Even though school smoke prohibition is the cosmopolitan recommendation towards halting this wont, there is no touchable grounds that this policy when implemented in isolation leads to a lessening in the prevalence of smoke among pupils and the young person ( Moore et Al, 2006 ; Darling et Al, 2006 ; Kumar et Al, 2005 ; Pentz et Al, 1989 ) . Current surveies have suggested a figure of defects related to the execution of school smoking prohibition such as ineffectualness and the fact that such regulations may be unkind. Smoke and the related wellness behaviours are influenced by such factors as socioeconomic position, instruction, and the general societal environment ( Evans et al, 1994 ; Harris et Al, 2009 ; Lowry et Al, 1996 ) . It has been argued that there are pupils who find themselves initiated into smoking through agencies beyond their control, hence, such pupils may be victims of the unintended load brought by school smoke policy ( Martin et al, 2000 ) . Records late presented indicate that there has been a decrease in smoke in developed states over the past decennary, the states that have had this noteworthy alteration include Canada, Australia, the United States, and a figure of states within Europe ( CDC, 2003 ; van der Wilk & A ; Jansen, 2005 ) . This decrease is nevertheless non due to the school smoke prohibition but is attributed to the extended control schemes that have been applied in these states which include Torahs on revenue enhancement and location of smoke, and societal selling. The fact that many schools have implemented the school smoking prohibition policy since its debut by the Center for Disease Control, irrespective of whether it is effectual or non, has shown that many schools recognize the inauspicious effects of smoke and are ready to work with the wellness sector in making a society which is ‘smoke-free ‘ .MethodologyThis research aims at following a population wellness model of adolescent smoke a s this is viewed to be the perfect population given the aim of the research. With mention to the work of Leatherdale and others ( 2005 ) , a theory was formulated saying that there is a direct connexion between the smoke of young person within the school premises and the subsequent smoke of other pupils. This theory echoes the sentiments expressed by the â€Å" contagious disease theoretical account of adolescent substance usage † which indicate that substance usage among striplings is extremely caused by one-on-one interaction and besides those expressed by other surveies. This research intends to use the multi-level analytical analysis techniques to help in proving for the impact that smoking prohibition has on smoking abetment, these techniques will be used to analyze both school-level and single factors at the same time. The research will besides concentrate on disaffection and school drop-out through the usage of academic public presentation which will move as an alternate index of the former and as a precursor to the latter taking to a hypothesis associating the academic public presentation and being of regulations against smoking in schools. The hypothesis is that the academic public presentation of pupils in schools holding regulations on smoke or smoke prohibitions will be better compared the academic public presentation of the pupils in schools that do non hold such regulations or policies. This besides includes consciousness of the pupils in such schools of the being of such regulations or policies. It will besides be necessary to explicate m ulti-level theoretical accounts holding in head the guidelines given by Aveyard et Al ( 2004 ) which advise on the application of single -level features over-controlling. In these guidelines they argue that it is non in order to command for single degree features in a instance where the multi-level surveies are school-based this is because such characteristics are linked both to the person and the school environment.Research designThe research intends to establish on pupils in different parts, such as different states, and utilize a sample design which is single-stage. In this sample design categories are indiscriminately selected and the stratification is done harmonizing to class and school territory and attempts to integrate all pupils who are present on the twenty-four hours of the survey. Before transporting out the research though, it will be of import to acquire consent from the parents of such pupils which follow the demands put frontward by the several heath and instruction sections. In order to roll up equal information, the survey will utilize questionnaires consisting several points ; these points will seek to happen information sing school regulations, smoke and substance usage, mental wellness, and societal and demographic features. To guarantee that the information collected will be dependable and valid, a really broad population of pupils will be covered and the respondents will be accorded namelessness unless otherwise they do non necessitate it. The information will besides be compared to the available informations from similar studies to look into for consistence particularly where estimations are involved. The survey may nevertheless confront restrictions which may include inability to roll up information about school smoke policy from the decision makers therefore the information provided by the pupils will be indispensable every bit limited as they may look.Inclusion/exclusion standardsIndividual-level variables The primary single degree variable that would be considered is the being of regulations censoring smoking harmonizing to the consciousness of the pupil, this will be found out by presenting a inquiry that straight asks this and giving the pupil an option of giving a straightforward reply to the inquiry. The other variables that will be taken into consideration at the single degree during the research will be grade, gender, abode, socioeconomic position of the household, and highest degree of instruction of one of the parents, sooner the female parent, which is besides a socioeconomic degree index. All these variables are viewed to hold a direct consequence on the pupil as an single therefore are of import to see ( Fagan et al, 2005 ) . School-level variables There are variables that will be considered at school-level and these will be generated from the responses or informations collected from the single variables. The first variable in this instance is the prevalence of regulations or policy censoring smoke in schools and this will be deduced from the responses given by the pupils as persons and will bespeak the mean per centum of schools that have such regulations. This research is expected to take three hebdomads divided into three subdivisions that are back-to-back and each enduring a hebdomad. The subdivisions will be the pre-study hebdomad, the intercession hebdomad, and the post-study hebdomad in that order. The pre-study hebdomad will be utilized by detecting the smoke behaviours of persons in all the targeted groups and their interaction with pupils, the intercession hebdomad will be for roll uping the needed information through the agencies that have been identified, and the post-study hebdomad will be for analysing the information collected and coming up with a study.Ethical considerationSmoke is a wont that has been embraced by many and more are still fall ining the conference of tobacco users therefore it is an issue that is really sensitive to manage. Apart from holding a societal consequence on persons, it besides touches on the economic system since the concern of coffin nails generates high degree of gross and besides provides em ployment to a good figure of persons. Recommending and implementing any policy that seems to deter of hinder the sale and usage of coffin nails ever draws assorted reactions from the general population ; school smoke prohibition is one such policy. It is therefore the consideration of the survey non to disregard such possible reactions and will avoid being personal on any issue throughout the research procedure. The survey will lodge to the issues that it targets without affecting on other issues that are non connected in any manner to the survey.ResultsThose back uping smoking-free school policies argue that pupils are straight affected by the smoke of those persons who they view as their function theoretical accounts in the community and these include non merely grownups but besides fellow young persons who are ever around them. Their attitudes and development of involvement are based on the mode in which people around them handle smoking and how they talk about it and most of the times they will be given to emulate them. There is experimental grounds that have been put frontward with respect to this which indicates that most pupils tend to copy other young persons who smoke within school belongings Oklahoman or subsequently. With respect to this so it is right to province that schools holding smoking prohibitions should register low smoke rates among the pupils both within and outside school. Given that it is non easy to state precisely what per centum of success of non-smoking sum pupils is attributed to smoking prohibitions, there have been assorted grounds with respect to the effectivity of smoking prohibitions. In order to stop this statement so there should be a manner of turn outing that smoking prohibitions have really discouraged the young persons from smoking or affecting in smoking related activities. A figure of surveies have been carried out to happen this and a few have come out with the decision that there is a relationship between smoking prohibitions and decreased smoke among pupils and farther stressing that this greatly relied on the mode in which such a policy is enforced. Conversely, other surveies did non successfully show the nexus that exists between smoking prevalence in schools and smoking prohibition policy in schools. The differences that appear in these are surveies are due to several factors such as the fluctuations in the schemes of implement ing and implementing the policy, the purpose behind such policy, and the extent of coverage in footings of population and length of clip. In add-on to these it has been found that there are great fluctuations in the countenances imposed on lawbreakers and the degree of their enforcement, this is apparent both within and outside a individual authorization. The undermentioned hypotheses were therefore put forward: All the pupils who said that their schools had non adopted the school smoke prohibition policies, or those who were non cognizant of the being of such policies would be extremely exposed to the hazard of smoking induction when compared to their chaps who were in schools where the policy was embraced and the pupils were cognizant of its being notwithstanding the rates of smoke. Students who were in schools with regulations on smoking would appreciate the significance of holding protective mechanisms on smoking induction as compared to pupils from schools that do non hold such regulations. This implies that smoking prohibition would impact positively on the pupils in footings of attitude which would interpret to cut down smoke rates among the young person. The socioeconomic position of the pupils would be of great influence to the consequences without sing the handiness of the smoke prohibition policy in schools.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Bruce Dawe Poem Essay

Good morning/afternoon everyone. I am sure that many of you will agree with me, after studying and discussing in class war poetry, that war is destructive; it destroys properties and lives. It is also the meaning if not dehumanizing as Owen in his ‘Dulce et Decorum Est' has pointed out. The violence and destructiveness of war reduces men in the battlefield into something less than human; they are stripped of their dignity. Ultimately as Owen points out in his poem, war is senseless or futile. Whatever the reason for going to war, it's not justification enough for the senseless slaughter of young lives. Owen, as you know, has great ability in challenging the responders senses, to experience the horror of war. He allows us to see, to hear, to feel, to smell, even to taste the ugliness of war. Thus we see a group of soldiers trudging the muddy tracks blindly to safety. They are ‘drunk with fatigue' and Owen captures their dehumanization by a series of similes. They are ‘bent double, like old beggars, coughing like hags' and ‘deaf' to the sound and fury of guns and gas shells dropping around them. I still can visualize and hear their panic reaction to the chlorine gas and those who are not quick enough to put on their mask, literally drown in what Owen calls the ‘green sea' and our auditory sense is challenged by the guttering, the choking and the convulsed sobs. You will agree with me for sure, that the image that Owen conjures up of the victim of the chlorine gas is no less than grotesquely horrible. We see the ‘white eyes writhing' in his agony and the convulsions that are followed by the blood that comes gargling out of the victim's ‘froth corrupted lungs. Again a simile is used ‘bitter as the cud of vile,' effectively giving us the ‘awful taste' of the situation. I know of one other poet who also condemns war and who can effectively communicate the horror of war and the senselessness of it, simply by challenging our senses. Kenneth Slessor, like Wilfred Owen, has a strong indictment of war, if Owen's tone in his poem is angry because, for him , ‘Dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori' which since the time of Horace was used by authorities to entice men to fight for their country – it is a big ie. From the images that he conjures in this poem, there is nothing glorious about dying in such an indignified, brutal and senseless way. In contrast, Kenneth Slessor's tone in his ‘Beach Burial' is elegiac; he laments the destructiveness, the dehumanizing effect and the futility of war like Owen, although his anger is tempered and what we get is a tone of frustration, he communicates just as powerfully an antiwar message. His ‘Beach Burial' presents a dramatic situation in which a group of dead sailors floats towards the beach at El Alamein in the Middle East. The dehumanization motif comes almost strikingly because the sailors is at the mercy of the sea, no longer in control of their lives, but subject to the ebb and the flow of the sea. The fact that they are ‘unknown seamen,' a mixture of allied and axis soldiers probably highlights the senselessness of war. A man who takes pity on the dead ‘snatched them from the water' and bury them in burrows along the beach. Clearly, the image portrayed here is one of dehumanization and responders feel great pity for them in realizing that these sailors ultimate protection is to be found within the earth as animals find comfort in the safety of their burrows. Slessor's irony is obvious in the way he describes the situation; ‘Between the sob and clubbing of the gunfire, Someone, it seems, has time for this, To pluck them from the shallows and bury them in burrows And tread the sand upon their nakedness' Our auditory sense is challenged by the words ‘sob' and ‘clubbing' in this line so that we can hear the destruction of war. When Slessor uses the word ‘pluck' to describe the man's action of removing the bodies from the water to be buried, I am reminded of the soldier smothered in gas in Owen's poem being ‘flung' behind a wagon. Both poets certainly capture the unceremonious brutality of war. The futility of war is further highlighted by the man's bewilderment, not knowing what name to write on the crudely made tidewood crosses that he used for each grave. ‘Unknown seaman' is the only thing he can think to write. And, at this point the voice of the poet is clearly mournful, as suggested by the repetition of the word ‘such' and the tone; ‘Written with such perplexity, with such bewildered pity, The words choke as they begin' Certainly there is no glory in either their death or their burial for their memorial, only stresses their anonymity. The ultimate senselessness of it all is captured in the last stanza; ‘Dead seamen, gone in search of the same landfall, Whether as enemies they fought, Or fought with us, or neither, the sand joins them together, Enlisted on the other front' In life these sailor soldiers where able to live together without enmity, but now in death they are peacefully united; they have come from so many lands and end up in the same landfall somewhere on the beach of El Alamein. I believe we should take the message of both Owen and Slessor seriously that war destroys, that it robs us of our human dignity, and that it is ultimately senseless. Both poets have experienced the horror of war, Owen as a lieutenant in the British army in WWI and Slessor as an Australian Official War Correspondent in the Middle East during WWII. If belligerent or war-like world leaders of today study these poems, I am sure the world will be a better place to live in.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Symptoms of the Black Death

Symptoms of the Black Death The Black Death is a plague which killed millions of people. In one particularly destructive explosion, over a third of the whole European population might have died in a few years in the mid 14th century, a process which changed history, birthing, among other things, the start of the modern age and the Renaissance. For a history of the Black Death in Europe, see our page here. This is an explanation of what happens when someone contracts it. You really have to hope you never do! How you get the Black Death Despite plenty of people trying to claim other things, the evidence comfortably points to The Black Death being Bubonic Plague, caused by the bacterium Yersinia Pestis . A human being usually receives this by being bitten by a flea which has ingested the disease from the blood of a house rat. The infected flea has had its system blocked by the disease, and remains hungry, regurgitating older infected blood into a human before drinking new blood, spreading infection. The rat’s flea doesn’t usually target humans, but seeks them out as new hosts once their colony of rats die off from the plague; other animals could also be affected. Plague carrying fleas didn’t have to come straight from a rat, as the fleas could survive for several weeks in bundles of cloth and other items humans conveniently came into contact with. On rarer occasions, a human could receive the disease from infected droplets which had been sneezed or coughed out into the air from a sufferer of a va riation called Pneumonic Plague. Even rarer still was infection from a cut or sore. Symptoms Once bitten, a victim experienced symptoms like headaches, chills, high temperatures and extreme tiredness. They might have nausea and pain throughout their body. Within several days the bacteria had begun affecting the body’s lymph nodes, and these swelled up into painful large lumps called ‘buboes’ (from which the disease takes its popular name: Bubonic Plague). Usually those nodes closest to the initial bite were first, which normally meant in the groin, but those under the arms and in the neck were also affected. They could reach the size of an egg. Suffering great pain, you could then die, roughly a week after you were first bitten. From the lymph nodes the plague could spread and internal bleeding would begin. The sufferer would expel blood in their waste, and black spots could appear all over the body. Sufferers with the spots almost invariably died, and this is noted in the chronicles of the day. The disease could spread to the lungs, giving the victim Pneumonic Plague, or into the bloodstream, giving Septicaemic Plague, which killed you before the buboes appeared. Some people did recover from the Black Death – Benedictow gives a figure of 20% - but contrary to the beliefs of some survivors they did not gain an automatic immunity. Medieval Reaction Medieval doctors identified numerous symptoms of the plague, many of which correlate with modern knowledge. The process of the illness through its stages wasn’t fully understood by medieval and early modern doctors, and some interpreted the buboes as signs the body was trying to vent foul liquids. They then attempted to relieve the illness by lancing the buboes. A punishment from God was seen at the frequent underlying course, although quite how and why God was inflicting this was heatedly discussed. The situation wasnt one of total scientific blindness, as Europe has always been blessed with proto-scientists, but it was confused and unable to react like modern science. Even so, you can still see this confusion exist today when it comes to popular understanding of illness.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

5 Great Tips for Business Writing - Proofeds Writing Tips

5 Great Tips for Business Writing - Proofeds Writing Tips 5 Great Tips for Business Writing Business writing includes everything from dry internal reports to snazzy website copy. But while different situations call for different writing styles, we have a few tips that apply to any type of business writing. Check them out below to find out how they could benefit your company! 1. Tailor Writing to an Audience As mentioned above, business writing is a broad category. This means you should always write for a specific audience. So whether it is a technical report for those in the know or a light-hearted press release for the public, think about who you are writing for and adapt the tone and language to suit. 2. Beware Buzzwords and Jargon Business buzzwords and jargon are not necessarily bad. Sometimes you need to use technical language to communicate something complicated. But take care not to go too far! Packing your writing with jargon will make it difficult to read, especially if you aren’t writing for a specialist audience. And buzzwords can be alienating. It is far better to keep things simple by using everyday language wherever possible. And if you need to use jargon, explain exactly what it means when you introduce the term. 3. Help Your Reader Find Key Details Life is busy. And sometimes that means you don’t have time to read the small print. If you want to make sure your readers don’t miss important information, then, you have to make it easy for them. If you are writing for an internal audience, you may want to include an executive summary. This lets you summarize key details in an easy-to-read fashion, while giving full information in the rest of the document. If writing for a wider audience, use formatting (e.g., bold or italics) and headings to help your readers find the most important information even while skim reading. 4. Keep It Short Write concisely wherever possible. After all, if time is money in the business world, you can’t assume everyone will read the entire 283-page report you sent. So keep it short where you can. If you are writing a longer document, though, always give the main points first. This will ensure that even busy readers see what you need them to. 5. Always Proofread! This is quite possibly the most important tip of all. And we’re not just saying that because we offer an outstanding business proofreading service. Whether or not you choose to work with us (you should), checking your business writing for errors is essential all of the time. Errors in business writing will give a bad impression to customers, clients, and colleagues alike. They can even cost a lot of money if you’re unlucky! And this makes proofreading worth the effort.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Limited Foreign Exchange Exposure Through Hedging Research Paper

Limited Foreign Exchange Exposure Through Hedging - Research Paper Example The research paper discusses different kinds of hedging instruments employed by firms all over the world. The risk of the exchange rate is raised from the assets and liabilities or transactions dominated in foreign currencies or existing. The hedging activities of all firms are not alike and they may vary based on the core business of firms and kinds of their foreign exchange risk. The paper described the kinds of Hedging instruments including Natural Hedging and Foreign Exchange Derivatives. In order to evaluate hedging practices in Australia, data of up to March 2005 has been used apart from hedging surveys for Australia. The previous surveys show that the banking sector of Australia has always been well-protected from currency fluctuations. In the period following the floating of the Australian dollar, Australian banks had very little exposure to exchange rate risk because of the restrictions of regulations on international transactions. After the removal of these restrictions, banks have been financing their domestic assets through short term liabilities abroad. In order to limit their net exposures, the banks used to match foreign currency liabilities to their assets. For further eliminating the residual risk exposure, Australian banks have been using derivatives. The current market risk guidelines ask the Australian authorized deposit-taking banks to dete rmine their foreign currency exposure daily. The evaluation of adaptations of non-financial firms to exchange rate fluctuations show that these firms have been facing difficulties because of poor or little experience. In 1986, borrowers made 3000 foreign currency loans dominated in Swiss francs and they incurred huge losses when Swiss francs appreciated by 50% against the Australian dollar.

Friday, November 1, 2019

How and why did the U.S. emerge as a world superpower between World Essay

How and why did the U.S. emerge as a world superpower between World War Two and 1991 - Essay Example America gained its super power status immediately after the Second World War which saw America and the Soviet Union emerges stronger from the war than before they entered. The period between world war two and 1991 saw major events take place that led to the decline of previous great powers to the emergence of new superpowers. This was the â€Å"cold war† period. Cold war was a state of military and political tension between western bloc and eastern bloc. The western bloc was led by America and its NATO allies while the eastern bloc was led by the Soviet Union and its allies who were in the Warsaw pact. The war was described as â€Å"cold† because it was marked with no large scale direct fights but with regional wars that were supported with the two blocs. Some of the countries that experienced wars were Afghanistan, Vietnam, and Korea. Cold war was defined by several events that prompted the two superpowers to demonstrate their influence in their allied countries. Some of the events that shaped this war were consolidation of the eastern states by the Soviet Union which saw America retaliate by giving financial and military aid to the anti-communist side in the Greek civil war. Other events that marked this period are the Chinese civil war, Korean War, Cuban missile crisis, berlin crisis, Suez crisis and the Vietnam War. These events shaped the cold war and hence bringing to the fore the emergence of America as the superpower with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The subsequent paragraphs will explore how and why America gained the superpower status between the period after world war two and 1991. Most of the war was fought far away from America’s boundaries. This gave it a competitive advantage over the other powers like Britain, France, and Germany who were close or experienced the war on their soil. With the war taking place away from their national boundaries, America did not suffer major losses and destruction