Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Immigration Of Canada And The Assurance Of Equality...

Canada is referred to as a ‘land of immigrants’ since a large number of newcomers have settled here and helped to enhance and preserve its ethnicity and diversity. Every country has its own norms and principles in accommodating new immigrants and assisting them to settle down. However, not all the immigrants are fortunate enough to sustain the uncertain circumstances that they had foreseen before migrating to a new country. While in the process of adjusting to a new society, these settlers are often reminded of the fact that they are not in their own country. Such circumstances put them in a tight spot of returning back to their homeland. Thus, taking instances from the writings of Mehri Yalfani, Isabel Vincent and Himani Benerji, the facts that new immigrants have to come across various complications throughout their journey of settlement to a new country, are being raised in the subsequent part of this journal. Moreover, the issues related to racism in Canada and the assurance of equality and freedom from racial discrimination to the Canadians are also reflected below. First and foremost, new immigrants encounter copious issues to fit in the new society. The major concern among these problems is the language barrier. The excerpt from ‘Newcomer’ written by Mehri Yalfani s highlights the challenges that Susan, an immigrant from Iran, faced throughout her course of understanding and speaking English. According to the story, both the hesitation to be fluent in an alienShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pageslittle significance. 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